"Nest of Dragons" builds a Easy Riser

Saturday, November 11, 2006

seat for a Easy Riser

When I saw the video of the learning flights of William "Bill" Lishman on his own site (www.williamlishman.com) I saw Bills legs go from side to side. Euh ... it kind of scared me. But ... I knew already that video on the site of Mr. John Moody. There I saw a kind of seat and Mr. Moody's legs did no longer shake from left to right.

I wanted his a seat! I got a email from Mr. Moody and it tells that the seat is not so hard to make if you have contacts with persons who work with boat sails. I got a picture of the used seat and all seemed ok. But ... on the video of Mr. Moody I saw him slide back and forwards on that seat. I didn't like that idea.

Mr. Moody was talking before about some swingseat that Mr. Mauro was working on. I am not sure if that was the seat I saw in the Easy Riser Yahoo discussion group. But ... there it was! The most easy to get seat. It is a paraglider seat that hangs on its usual clamps to a new strap that hangs on the topjoint of the wings. It is a very solid point to hang on. All you need to do is find some kind of strap that can take the weight (calculate also the g-forces!).

The only thing I didn't see on the picture were extra shoulder straps. I saw them in the FLY AWAY HOME film. They are used to carry the glider. I guess I will go for a combination of paraglider seat and shoulder straps.


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